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資料筆數共計 2 筆,共計 1 頁 進階搜尋

Franz Collection, Inc.: The Road From Subcontracting To Brand - TN
作者姓名:Lien-Ti Bei; Shih-Fen Chen
出版日期:2011/04/15內容長度:15 頁

Teaching note for product 9B10M030.

Delta Electronics: Corporate Branding Integration
作者姓名:Shih-Fen Chen; Lien-Ti Bei;

Delta Electronics was founded in Taipei, Taiwan in 1971 to make TV coils and other electronic components for domestic clients. By 2012, through plant expansions and diversification, joint ventures and acquisitions, it had evolved into a global leader in power electronics and a world-class pioneer in many fields of the industry, with an emphasis on green initiatives and environmental protection. It had factories in China, Thailand, Mexico, India and .....more